Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 63 - Bredbo bound

We travelled to Bredbo today for a big day for Michelle, Xavier and their family. Josephine and Bella-Terese were being christened. It was a wet drive out there and I was grateful for the gathering to be in one location so we were not going to get too wet. Unfortunately the toilets were outside and what was such a novelty to the girls, was more of a chore for me, having to walk them out to the toilet a little too frequently for my liking. As you can see it was a big day for both Bella-Terese and Josephine, who both promptly fell asleep after al the commotion of the Christening.

We eventually left earlier than planned - we were going to stay and have a party for Xavier's birthday, but with two very tired and cranky girls, the time had come to get them in the car for a nap - even if I really didn't want them to at 4:30pm, it was a better option than the tired tantrums that had begun.

Thank you to Michelle and Xavier for a lovely, albeit wet, afternoon in Bredbo.

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