Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 60 - I am so Tyred

Who'd have thought I'd feature a picture of a dirty big tyre on my blog. After having my car at the mechanic today and being told I needed new tyres and using the tyre at the gym in personal training and the strength class, I thought this was very thematic.

Thank you Charlie Hunter from my wonderful gym Get My Body Back for such amazing personal training sessions. Even though I may moan and groan - although not enough tonight apparently while lifting the tyre, I do enjoy every minute of the whipping.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 59 - Tricksters

It is funny picking up the girls after school. Funnier when they try and trick me by wearing odd shoes. It used to be wearing odd socks and sometimes I wonder if they plan on changing clothing as well. Anyone who knows my girls would automatically assume that it is Ava who is the tricker, but they would be mistaken. Olivia likes to try and trick us with their plans of swapping and attempting to confuse us.

Moments like this I think that I am grateful that they are not identical.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 58 - Eggs, Eggs and more Eggs

The lovely Took from Kindy Patch gave Jenny some fresh eggs and home grown tomatoes. So it was a pleasant surprise after work to discover 2 dozen fresh eggs on our bench. Knowing we'd get some more fresh eggs from Dave tomorrow night, we started cooking up a storm.

We made many mini quiches tonight. I now have at least 1 more dozen eggs - I wonder what shall I cook next. Maybe Shane will make me poached eggs for breakfast on the weekend.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 57 - Carnivale

Today we braved the drizzle and rain to go down to Carnivale in Queanbeyan Park. They had a variety of different acts to entertain the crowd and food stalls to sample multicultural food. They also have a couple of stalls to entertain the kids like a jumping castle and petting zoo. The girls enjoyed the dancing, however I think they might have enjoyed the jumping castle a little more.

Each year Carnivale comes to town and each year I think it will be better than the last. Unfortunately things don't change much year after year. If the girls were happy to sit and watch the dancing for a longer period of time, we would stay longer. Maybe next year is the year.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 56 - Show time

Today we took the girls along with Jenny, Sam, Austin, Andrew and Madison to the Canberra Show. It was quite a warm day with lots of people at the show. We of course visited the usual areas - sideshow alley, show bags, the craft section and some rides. I always like looking through the craft, cakes and horticulture sections. Today, while we were there, I discovered these beautiful Cactus Dahlias in the horticulture section. There were so many of these flowers, how had I not seen them before? I am going to have to start growing some of these beautiful flowers in my garden, well maybe not me, but Shane, he is more of a green thumb than me. Even if I don't grow them, they are still in my garden, that makes them mine right?

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 55 - A night reminiscing

Today Shane and I celebrated 5 years of being married. We decided to head out for dinner, leaving the girls safely tucked in at home with their favourite Jenny.  After eating there only once before and wanting to try it again, I made reservations at La Cantina in Narrabundah. Shane had looked at their online menu and had already decided what to have for dinner. An entree of pan fried calamari stuffed with risotto followed by Seafood spaghetti. I opted for spinich and cheese dumplings followed by a wild mushroom risotto. Simply delicious. We couldn't even fit in dessert.

Happy Anniversary Shane!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 54 - Currency

So it has been a busy time trying to toilet train the girls at the moment. Quite frustrating at times when they don't want to sit on the toilet. When discussing this with some wise people, they reminded me of currency. Not the money currency, but rather the girls currency - bribery. So each time they do something on the toilet they either get an M & M or a squinky. We discovered squinkies from the Hackney girls and Olivia and Ava love them. I thought I would mind giving the girls chocolate at 7:30am - but if it means sitting on the toilet without a fuss - so be it!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 53 - Crazy Wet Weather

This afternoon we had yet another Summer storm in the afternoon. It makes for a wet trip to pick up the girls from daycare and there really isn't any point driving to get them as it is only 2 doors from my house. The rain was so heavy that it created a stream running down the footpath. Thank goodness mum was home so we could carry a child each under the big umbrellas. Unfortunately it was such a crazy storm this afternoon that I had to change my shoes and pants when we got home. Not entirely a bad thing, but was definitely a weather pattern I would rather have missed.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 52 - Olivia

Olivia was a little sick last night so she and Ava got to spend a day at home with daddy. Which was lovely I am sure. The best bit, even though she was a little unwell - no accidents today. Bye bye nappies! I captured this very precious moment of Olivia buttering her blocks and eating them. The imaginary play is very cute at the moment. Mums, babies, doctors, shoppers, buttering toast, I wonder what comes next?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 51 - My little readers

Reading before bedtime has been a tradition in our house since the girls were very young. Each night the girls get to choose a book each that one of us will read to them. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is one of their favourites. Tonight it was very obvious that we read it to them regularly as they have memorised most of the book and would say it along with me. There are other books they have memorised as well so I think it is time to buy and read them some new books.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 50 - Lamb Eater

We have a few very special Lamb Eater's in our family. Meet our newest. Olivia took to some delicious marinated lamb cutlets tonight like a duck to water. She finished her first one and demanded a second cutlet. We then discovered her amazing capability to eat a corn on the cob in a matter of at least 60 seconds to be able to get the second cutlet she was demanding. Usually while eating the corn she'll leave a few kernels on the cob.... not tonight, it was the cleanest I have ever seen.

So she not only looks like Shane, but devours the expensive cuts of meat just like him too. I think she is taking hints from her favourite book 'Just Like My Dad' - I must have missed the page about the expensive meats!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 49 - Lovely Leila

Today we went and met our newest neice - Leila Freeman. What an entrance she made! Leila is just gorgeous, you could just sit and look at her all day long. Everytime the girls see this photo I took yesterday - they tell me that Leila is sleeping, can I pick her up and can we see her. Or when I told them that Monique had her baby, Leila, Olivia tells me that she has a baby in her tummy and back. I am quite happy that they don't ask me where our baby is, they are going to be very disappointed one day.

Welcome to the family gorgeous Leila, we can't wait to watch you grow up into the most beautiful princess.

Congratulations Mon and Russ, what a gorgeous girl you have created. We can't wait to have a cuddle.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 48 - The big girl transition continues

Today the transition from my babies continued at the hairdresser. Today they willingly sat on cushions in the big girls chair rather than on my lap. They both had a real haircut as opposed to just the regular fringe and ends trim which we usually give them as they are either too distressed at the haircut or fidget too much trying to see what Vanessa is doing.

They sat looking at themselves in the mirror and were excellent patrons while Vanessa was cutting their hair. Olivia was lucky enough to get a little product in her hair to see how her curls looked after the haircut. They lasted for the rest of the day.

Thank you Vanessa, you truely are the best!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 47 - We have tomatoes

A little while ago, Shane's dad dropped us some tomato plants to grow in our garden. While out in the yard tonight, we discovered a few tomatoes growing. I look forward to watching them grow and eat them. Dave and Josephine grow the most amazingly delicious tomatoes, I hope ours are just as good. We noticed some flowers on our Strawberry plant as well, so we might also get some late blooming berries.

This time next year, I hope we have a great Vegetable garden, with Sage and Oregano growing in our garden as well.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 46 - Organised

Today I spent some of my afternoon at work getting my filing organised. I find having an organised filing cabinet makes for an easier time at school. It usually takes me a few weeks to get into the spirit of getting my filing cabinet organised and in my new role as SLST it is taking just as long, I think that is because I have more than one filing cabinet in my office this year.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 45 - Valentine's Day

Today was Valentine's Day, which usually goes by unnoticed in our house as our Wedding anniversary is only 10 days later. Now I did drop some hints to Shane about purchasing some flowers and chocolates, because really they never go astray and I would never say no to them.

Thank you Shane for brightening my day with beautiful roses, chocolates, an elephant and a balloon.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 44 - Pleasant distractions

Tonight was the first meeting for the 2012 year for the Canberra and Region Multiple Birth Association. I was struggling a little to attend, more trying to keep myself awake this afternoon than not actually wanting to attend. I was pleasantly distracted when Nadya brought along 6 month olds Gypsy and Zeva to the meeting. Here they are pictured with Our President, Amelia who was more than happy for a double cuddle. They are just gorgeous. Thanks Nadya for allowing me to use such gorgeous models in my blog for today.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 43 - Chick Flick time

This afternoon I met some friends for a movie afternoon. We went to watch The Vow in Belconnen. A definite chick flick starring Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams. It was really nice to get out of the house with some lovely ladies and relax. I was disappointed with the ending of the movie, but overall it was a nice movie.  Thanks ladies, we must do it again.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 42 - It is love...

We went for a walk into town today and as soon as we passed the front gate, Olivia and Ava held hands. They held hands all the way to the shops and for a little while in the shops. It has become quite a regular occurrence, this hand holding. When we walk to and from daycare they do exactly the same thing. I find this so heart melting, because sometimes I think they seem to fight more than hug. It's moments like this I wish I could bottle.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 41 - Friends with fruit

Today Teresa, Kaleigh and Brydie came for a play this morning. The girls played happily together, with a few toilet breaks in between. The girls enjoyed a noodle lunch followed by a banana or an apple while enjoying a few episodes of Peppa Pig.

Thanks for coming and playing girls. We all enjoyed your company.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 40 - Ava

Today Ava officially became my big girl. She wore undies at daycare today with no accidents and we haven't 'officially' started toilet training yet - that was my job to start tomorrow! She sat on the toilet a couple of times this afternoon and did a wee on the toilet and had one accident this afternoon.

Hopefully tomorrow will be another wonderful day in this new adventure otherwise I might just send her to daycare and hope that by the end of next week she'll be toilet trained! Wishful thinking I know.

Well done Ava!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 39 - A new set of twins

A photo similar to this was set to appear on my blog last week, unfortunately I had a technical hitch and it was lost into the oblivion. So tonight knowing that Meg and Mel were going to be Bobbsey Twins again I saved my photo of the day for the gym.

Last week Meg and Mel wore the exact same outfit to the gym. I thought this was too funny! I was very disappointed that I missed last weeks photo, but was so very glad to hear them yesterday say that they were going to wear the same again today! Thank you ladies. It's enjoyable to workout with you as well as be able to put you on my blog looking so lovely. I wish I looked that good working out.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 38 - Distractions

As you can see by today's photo I was attempting to do some work tonight while being very distracted by 'The Proposal' which is one of my favourite movies. So many funny moments. If you haven't seen it already I suggest you go and watch it.

The work and movie watching was interrupted by Olivia who was still awake at 9:00pm and when I went in discovered her bare bottom. I think she is trying to tell me that she is ready for the toilet. You'll see some more posts revolving around toilet training later in the week when I brave that big step.

I did actually get my work done, probably not as quickly as normal, but hey I was multi tasking!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 37 - Meeting essentials

Tonight I had a meeting after a busy day at work and was very grateful for Amelia bringing along a little box of Roses chocolates.

Jess, Amelia and myself have been meeting to begin organising the Australian Multiple Birth 2013 National Convention. It is under 2 years away, but let me tell you there is a lot of work to do and to be done. We are looking at organising our venue and I am really looking forward to having a tour of some of them in a few weeks time.

The best part of the meeting is definitely the catching up. I love that I have met and made some lovely friends through the Multiple Birth Association.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 36 - Round and Round we go

Today was marked as an adventure day. With returning to work 4 days a week I am trying to make sure to spend lots of time with the girls doing the fun things. We started out getting the girls new car seats at Kid Essentials this morning and in doing so we discovered we will never take another passenger in our car again, but that is okay with me!

We then hit the shops in hope of me finding some new jeans among other things. As usual we came home with more for the girls than I did for myself. A new dressing gown and slippers for winter, which they demanded they put on for the trip home in the car. But at least I did get my jeans!

We found time to go on the Merry-Go-Round in Civic. Afterwards we left with the promise that we will return for a ride on the Merry-Go-Round, hopefully they'll happily sit on a horse by themselves next time as well.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 35 - Monique's baby shower

Today we celebrated the upcoming arrival of Monique and Russell's baby. We gathered at Meagan's house on what turned out to be a beautiful day to celebrate with family and friends.

With each sister bringing a plate of food to share, as usual we had plenty of food, some party games and of course presents. Monique was very organised and had a baby registry which made it easy for some to spoil the mum to be. Now the fun begins Monique - finding room for all the goodies you received today.

Thanks for letting me share in this joyous occasion with you today. I can't wait to meet the new addition to your family.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 34 - The cake popping continues

Tonight we went back to Morgana's place to finish making the cake pops for tomorrow's baby shower. We had to stick them onto a lollypop stick, ice them with melted chocolate and roll them in the pretty sprinkles.

It was quite a delicate operation as sometimes the chocolate hadn't hardened enough to roll in the sprinkles and other times it had hardened too quickly so you didn't get an even spread of sprinkles.

You would be mistaken if you thought Monique was having a girl. There were a variety of colours for the sprinkles. I happened to take a photo of the pink ones as I thought they would look a little more vibrant in my photo... and I think I was correct!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 33 - Incomplete

It is strange having an office and not a classroom, and for those of you who know me extremely well know that I love to rearrange my classroom. My office is not big enough, nor is the rainbow room for me to do much rearranging so I am having to do small things to make it my own. Including a little sign on my door.

However, my organising is incomplete, and this is a second choice blog entry today. I was hoping to use the photo I took at boxing of Meagan and Melanie, but for some reason, Instagram didn't store the wonderful, glistening photo I took. Oh well, next time ladies.

I hope to have another photo of a completed rearrange of the office and rainbow room, which I now call my office. If only I can find the time to be in my office to organise it!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 32 - The cake popping begins

Tonight Myrrha, Morgana, Monique, Meagan, Melanie and myself caught up to begin making the cake pops for Monique's baby shower this coming Saturday. A very interesting process which began with making 3 beautiful cakes, crumbing them, mixing in frosting and then creating the balls which you see featured in today's blog. These balls will now sit in Morgana's fridge until our next get together on Friday which will see us icing and decorating them. I can't wait to see how they turn out.

Cake pops are one of these things that I often wonder, who thought of creating such things?