Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31 - The first day

Today was Madison's first day at school today. After a rocky weekend of both her and Jenny having a few tears, she settled in quite nicely. She absolutely loves her teacher and even went home and asked Jenny very excitedly 'Is Mrs Bruce going to be my teacher every day?' I love that she is so excited to be at school. Let's hope this excitement continues for a long time to come.

Wow, Jen our little big girl is growing up. Thank goodness we still have my big little girls to keep us busy.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30 - Bubbles

Tonight as we were showering the girls lay on the floor in the shower creating puddles. I asked them what they were doing 'umm blowing bubbles Mummy' was the response I got - obviously I ask such silly questions!

They had only just begun to happily blow bubbles in the pool. At least now I know that they should happily blow bubbles when we start swimming lessons this weekend.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29 - Happy Birthday Luke

Today we went and celebrated Luke's 16th birthday at the park. It was a lovely afternoon watching the kids play and eat while the adults chatted and had a catch up. Watching Olivia and Ava eat ice cream cake was enough of a treat for me for the evening. Olivia ended up with a rainbow coloured shirt by the end of the afternoon.

Thanks everyone for a lovely afternoon.

Happy Birthday Luke. Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 28 - Practice makes perfect

Next Saturday is Monique's baby shower. I am on mini quiche and mini cupcake duty. I thought with starting work this week I had better cook my quiches and freeze them because I doubt I will have time during the week. I also had a practice at cooking the mini cupcakes and icing them with my new icing bottles - think piping bag but with a plastic bottle - very handy.

I think they worked out ok, will try them tomorrow at the park when we celebrate Luke's birthday and see what that audience thinks of my cakes. I have a few changes to make for next week, but by then they'll be great.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 27 - Sewing Sally

Thanks to Carlyn teaching me some tricks of the trade I made the girls a skirt and some hairclips while on holidays. I have now a to do list, including making them another skirt which is already cut out and ready to go, to get this craft going again.

Today's photo is before the girls wore their skirts and hairclips for the first time. They loved twirling around in their skirts and it is one of the first times I have dressed them in nearly the same clothes. I can see we are entering a new and scary era of dressing alike. I had better get busy making some skirts so we can mix and match!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 26 - Australia Day with friends

What better way to celebrate Australia day than with some beautiful people. We awoke to what looked like another wet day in Sydney and thought we'd take a look at some Australia Day events in Picton before we headed home.

Of course with the change in weather, the event had moved from the gardens to the town centre. They had a good set up with some face painting and craft areas for the kids as well as entertainers on stage. We left the celebrations and headed back home to have a picnic in the park before ending our holiday.

I have known Nerida since Year 9 at high school, and boy that was a long time ago. I think we are blessed to have such lovely people in our lives right now. 2 hours door to door travel time now, means I will have to make more of a noted effort for regular catch ups.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 25 - A putter of a good time

Today we awoke to another wet Summer's day in Sydney. We met my friend Carly and her kids for a play at a local play centre this morning. It must have been the plan for everyone else because it was so busy. It was lovely to catch up with Carly while the kids wore themselves out a little.

Then it was off to lunch with Nerida and Andrew before heading to Indoor Mini Golf. What a wonderful idea this was. I was a little worried after the bowling wasn't as big a hit as I had expected. But the girls loved hitting their ball around on the course. Naturally we didn't keep score, because I really don't know what the score is when one would carry the ball to the hole and tap it in. As long as we all had fun - who really cares what the score was?!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 24 - Impulse shopping at it's best

We went for a little shop today at one of my favourite shopping centres - Macarthur Square. Everytime I am in Sydney at Nerida's we always shop here at least once and I find the most amazing bargains - well I think they are amazing.

Today was no different. I found some very cute and colourful mini colanders. Nerida and I eyed them off as we left the homewares store and returned not long after to purchase a couple. As you can see we put them to wonderful use this afternoon.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 23 - Picnic treats

Today we were heading further north to Bingara Gorge near Sydney and leaving the gorgeous Hackney girls to enjoy their last few days of holidays.

We travelled through to Berry for a little look around at the shops and enjoyed a picnic in the park. While we were at the bakery Olivia and Ava both pointed to Neenish tarts (as did Maya) so after our lunch of sandwiches, fruit and cheerios, we enjoyed a little treat. Ava enjoyed eating the icing off the Neenish tart and had a great attempt at eating the base and cream, although I think she ended up with more on her nose.

In the car after our picnic all Olivia wanted to do was to go back to Carlyn's house.... I think we might be making a few trips down to the Hackney family this year.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 22 - Can bowling be cute?

We took the girls Ten Pin Bowling today while the weather was still looking rather. When I noticed Maya and Talia bowling in their pretty lacy girly socks and bowling shoes. It was very cute! Olivia and Ava's feet were too small for their own bowling shoes, which I guess isn't really a bad thing.

Olivia and Ava had never been bowling before and we were just a little eager booking 2 games in for all of us. Once they realised it was lunchtime, their game pretty much ended apart from them coming to have a bowl randomly.

I had forgotten how long it takes me to 'warm up' at bowling so I was grateful for the second and third game. Maybe I was more grateful for the third game because at least we got to play with the bumpers up.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Day 21 - Next stop, room with a view.

Today we left and headed to Cambewarra to visit our dear friends Carlyn, Hack, Talia and Maya. The girls were really too little to appreciate all the fun to be had at the Hackney residence last time we stayed. This time there had been lots of changes, a cubby house, a jumpoline (as Olivia calls it), a sandpit - complete with a view of the cows and swings.

We have a lot on our agenda here in Cambewarra, including lots of crafty fun for me and Carlyn.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 20 - Multiple gathering

Today we went and met up with Ali, Alex and the tribes of kids.

We met at Pleasurelea where Ali and Tony have a cabin. Had a little dip in their pool. They are the most hospitable of people. Who'd have thought someone would turn up without lunch for themselves or their children, but that Ali and Tony brought out a great spread of food for us to share.

We did attempt to take a photo of the 7 kids, but by that point in the day, it was so hard to get them to all look at the camera at once.

Thank you Ali, Tony and Alex for a lovely morning.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 19 - The Circus is in Town.

We thought today that we would take the girls to see the circus for the first time. Lennon Brothers Circus has been around for what the Ringmaster said was 115 years. They were quite excited all afternoon about seeing the animals at the circus and were quite enthralled for the first couple of acts.

That was all until the clowns turned up. As soon as Olivia saw the crazy men with their faces painted being albeit a little bizzare, she wanted to go home and screamed the house down. Clowns are scary creatures right?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18 - Fun at Birdland

Today we went to Birdland Animal park in Bateman's Bay.

There were plenty of birds and animals to look at, from wombats to deer and plenty of peacocks roaming the grounds. Of course as soon as a peacock looked like it was walking in Ava's direction she freaked out a little and wanted to be carried, which had a domino effect naturally. Once we got them to walk again we went and looked at the deer and ostriches. One of which followed Ava along the length of its enclosure.

After about 20 minutes of wandering and looking at the animals, the girls had about had enough. We sat down under the tree for some snake handling and photos with wombats.

When the girls are older we'll attempt a visit to Birdland again. Hopefully their relationship with animals will be much improved.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17 - Fun and Frivolity with friends

Carlyn, Talia and Maya came down for a play at the beach this morning and they couldn't have picked a better day.

The girls happily played in the sand, building sandcastles, picking shells off the rocks, fetching water from the pools that formed near the rocks and squealing while being chased by the waves. It was just lovely to watch them play so nicely together at the beach. We all enjoyed a little fish and chips on the beach for lunch. Then our time together was up.

It was a beautiful day spent with beautiful friends. Thanks Carlyn for coming to visit us!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 16 - Lifeguards

This morning with beautiful weather we took the girls down to the beach for some more sandcastle building and a little bit of swimming. Yesterday while we were swimming, one of the lifeguards informed us of a rip. So we were like most other swimmers and swimming between the flags.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15 - Sandcastles

Today was the first day of hopefully many spent at the beach this week.

The girls happily played in the sand building sandcastles and holes in the sand for Shane to bury Ava in, while the boys played in the surf with their boogie boards. Andrew and Austin loved playing in the surf with Sam.

Once we said goodbye to Jenny, Sam and the kids we went for a walk along the beach and built some more sandcastles on the rocks while Shane hunted along the rocks for some snails.

The girls occasionally dipped their toes in the water, hopefully the more we go to the beach the more confident they are in the water.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14 - We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo...

Today marked the first day of our holidays. We packed up the car and headed off for our holiday accompanied for the weekend with Jenny, Sam, Austin, Andrew and Madison. Our first stop was Malua Bay, unfortunately the weather wasn't beach weather so we changed direction and headed for Mogo Zoo.

Mogo Zoo is a beautiful zoo which we have visited on a number of occasions. The girls loved roaming around looking at the animals. Jenny fed the deer and the kids loved watching the monkey's running around. Of course my favourite were the giraffes, I thought this was a rather cute picture with the baby giraffe sitting down and the male giraffe toying with the crowd.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 13 - Bags packed and ready to go!

We packed our bags tonight ready for our 2 week holiday.

As per usual I wrote a list of everything I think we need to take along with us, I am always forgetting something at home. This time, I am hoping I forget nothing. After the week of the craziest Summer weather, I have packed warmer clothes of course.

I am really looking forward to our holiday. It has been a long time coming. We will spend 1 week at Malua Bay, right along the beach. Dreamy really. The next week will be spent visiting only the loveliest of friends along the way back home ready just in time to start work.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 12 Potty training for all

With the girls showing some interest in using the toilet or potties, we discovered today their true thoughts. This afternoon when Olivia put herself on the potty, Tinkerbell had to join her.

I took this photo using the App 'Instagram' and used the water effect to give Tinkerbell a little privacy while she was on the potty.

I am looking forward to seeing what happens with this training when we return from holidays.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11 - Lunch with friends

Today I went to The Pork Barrel in Barton to have lunch with my lovely friends from work. It was lovely to catch up with everyone after Christmas and it was especially nice to catch up with Sarah who is ready for baby Coloe to arrive - hopefully soon!

Sue and I shared a delicious Melanzane pizza which had roasted vegetables on it.

I think my blog is becoming a food blog, 2012 may just be the year of the food in our house.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10 - Coffee, turns into brunch, turns into ....

A coffee date with Abbey today, turned into delicious brunch at idelic in Kingston. It was delightful, even with some children spotting from school. They have delicious hot chocolates, and lovely bacon and eggs too I can now add.

Brunch turned into some outsourcing of resources which I am not going to need, but Abbey is going to get some great use out of this year.

This, then in turn turned into a little shopping this afternoon. Some cheap pj's for the girls and a plan to go to Smiggle later in the week and buy up some wonderful accessories for the teacher's desk.

I couldn't have thought to spend my day any other way. Thanks Abbey for a wonderful day!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Day 9 - A helping hand

With the weather a little cooler, the girls took the opportunity to get out in the yard and play.

It's a little easier now that they are a older to let them have a roam around the backyard by themselves and not worry about the things that I don't want them to play with or them hurting themselves. I captured this moment while sliding down their slide. Olivia asked Ava to hold her hand to help her, not that she needed it. When she was younger, she always wanted to hold our hand to go down the slide.

A very sweet moment shared between sisters.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8 - A day of rest

Today was a day of rest for us all after a very unsettled night last night.

Yesterday we gave the Dummy Fairy all the dummies in our house and began, or at least attempted to begin, sleeping without the aid of a dummy. The fairy was nice enough to leave the girls a little present and a letter from Tinkerbell. Still, there has been no day sleeping at our place and a very late night last night. The last time I looked at the clock last night it was 1:45am with a very overtired Ava finally asleep. So a day playing around the house and watching a movie this afternoon was just what the sleep doctor ordered, second only to a nap of course.

They say a change of routine takes 3 days. That means by at least tomorrow night we will be experts. Right? I am certainly hoping so.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7 - Homemade Ice cream

After I got my beautiful Kitchen Aid for Christmas, I discovered that you can get many attachments for it. We purchased an Ice cream attachment from Amazon not long after Christmas. It arrived on Thursday and if I could have used it straight away, I would have. The freezer pot had to be frozen for 15 hours. So I had to be patient.

Today while having a quiet day at home, we made Chocolate mud ice cream (you can find the recipe here). It was quite simple and the sample we had from the beaters was quite delicious. It is certainly going to make the first night of no dummies a little easier.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6 - A well overdue morning with friends

This morning we caught up with Lauren, Kaitlyn, Max, Mel and Patrick for a well overdue playdate. It was the first time the girls have met Max, and as you can see Ava of course was smitten. She loves babies, usually babies are anything smaller than herself, she just wants to play with them, hug them and smother them with kisses.

It was lovely for Kaitlyn, Patrick, Olivia and Ava to all catch up and have a lovely play together, while the three of us had a really good catch up. It has been far too long and I am publicly noting that we will do it more often this year - you can hold me to that Lauren and Mel.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5 - An obsession with baking

With plenty of time on my hands I have rediscovered my love of baking, with the help of the beautiful pink Kitchen Aid of course. Today I made Bill Granger's Chocolate Chip and Pecan Cookies - taken from the recipe book 'Bill's Basics'. 

They are absolutely divine and can see these becoming a regular staple in our house. Next time i'll have to remember to make double!

Chocolate Chip and Pecan Cookies
Ingredients - (Makes 12 cookies)
125g (4½oz) unsalted butter, softened
110g (4oz) soft brown sugar
55g (2oz) white sugar
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
150g (5½oz) plain flour
½ tsp sea salt
½ tsp baking powder
100g (3½oz) dark or milk chocolate, chopped
70g (2½oz) chopped pecans (or walnuts)
• Preheat the oven to 180C and line 2 trays with baking paper.
• Cream the butter and sugars until fluffy and smooth.
• Add the egg and vanilla and beat again until smooth.
• Sift the flour, salt and baking powder into the bowl and mix lightly.
• Stir in the chocolate and nuts.
• Spoon dessertspoons of dough onto the baking trays, leaving space for spreading.
• Bake for 10-12 minutes until pale golden.
• Cool on the trays for 2-3 minutes, then move to a wire rack to cool completely.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4 - Banana Cake

I am a regular culprit of keeping bananas a little too long and allowing them to over ripen so I can make either banana bread or banana cake. Today with 3 bananas sitting in our fruit bowl waiting to be mashed, I made banana cake. I came across this recipe from my friend Sarah. It came with rave reviews and I was not disappointed. It is the moistest banana cake I have ever tried and has since become my quick and easy banana recipe.

Banana Cake

1 1/2 cups of self raising flour
1 teaspoon of bi carb soda
3/4 cup caster sugar
3 bananas, mashed
1/2 cup oil - I use sunflower or canola
2 eggs, lightly beaten

1. Sift flour and bi carb soda into a bowl.
2. Add sugar.
3. Make a well in the middle of the bowl and add mashed bananas, oil and eggs.
4. Stir until the mixture is smooth
5. Pour into a prepared cake tin and bake for 1 hour at 150 degrees celsius.

Ice with cream cheese icing or lemon icing if desired.

According to Sarah - with nearly 1/4 of a banana in each slice - it is almost healthy! Certainly it is delicious. Thanks for the recipe Sarah.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3 - Water fun out of the sun

Summer is certainly here with a 34 degree day today and will be here for the rest of the week according to the weatherman. There is nothing better on a hot day to cool down with a bit of fun in the water. The girls happily played with their water table and toys for hours this afternoon.

I captured the moment where Ava was singing 'It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring' while she watched the water trickle out of her sieve.

I can see a lot of water play happening this week, hopefully we can include a trip to the pool this week as well.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2 - Imaginations are great aren't they?

Imaginations are so much fun.

Santa brought the girls a dress up box each for Christmas. Every day since Christmas they have had the high heels, skirts, wings and pirate costumes out. Today was no different. Out came the fairy wings and the imaginations. With a little bit of help from Shane calling Olivia Princess Yoghurt after she was a broken down record asking for yoghurt. The highlight being of course when Shane got to wear the crown and became Princess Daddy.

I just love watching and listening to them engrossed in their own imaginative play.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1 - Sun, Surf and Sand

New Years Day 2012. What better way to spend it than with lovely family down at the beach. After a later than usual night for the girls, it was a struggle to get them up this morning, but as soon as we mentioned beach, they became so very excited.

We drove down the Clyde with Matt, Melanie, Josh, Oliver, Morgana, Tony and Isabel this morning and arrived to picture perfect weather in Batehaven. We had a dig in the sand building castles, fish and boats before having a swim in the ocean. We stopped for a quick bite to eat, a play in the playground before one last swim in the ocean.

I was very impressed with the girls happily frolicking in the water with Shane and Melanie. Even Olivia played with Melanie in the water - You are in Mel, well for today anyway!

Today was a little taste of beautiful coastal times together, more of which are to come later in January.