Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 91 - Sleep Over

Tonight we went for a sleep over at our home away from home in Bingara Gorge (otherwise known as Nerida and Andy's place) for a long overdue catch up. When heading to bed after a lot of chit chat and some sleeping on the couch - this is how I found the girls. It's not often they get to sleep in such close quarters, but it is nice to know they give each other a bit of room to spread out. I quite like how Olivia is doing the reverse superman pose... I wonder if her shoulders get sore?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 90 - Organised

There is nothing I like more at school than feeling organised. Sometimes all it takes is some labels and putting things where I can find them if I use them often, and a little bit of time. I finally got around to organising and labelling my tote trays for the things I use day to day. I know that inevitably sometime next term this will change, but for now, it makes me feel organised. I really like that feeling!
Thanks Belinda for the template to get myself organised.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 89 - Ava

Sometimes I just want to take a photo just because she is far too cute. We went for a walk to the shops this afternoon to make the most of the last of daylight savings. While walking with Ava we talked about the moon and where the moon was, the trucks going past, what we were doing at the shops, what she did at school - she was a regular chatterbox all the way to the shops.

I love this photo. It captures her shiny personality so well.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 88 - Lips are not made for biting Part 2

Last night after we put the girls to bed we heard a big thud followed by the squeals of pain from Olivia. We discover that while being silly in their bedroom together, somehow she managed to put her teeth through her lip. Although unlike Ava she didn't only put one tooth through, there were at least 6 teeth marks on her lips and chin. Her lip this morning as you can see is still a little swollen. But hopefully there shouldn't be any scarring.

I really must teach Olivia that she does not need to out do Ava. It isn't a competition to see who can do the most damage to themselves.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 87 - Part 2

Here is the final product - my first ever nappy cake! Now I have made one, I am looking forward to making another one! It was worth making the nappy cake for the look on Carlyn's face when she saw it. I know that when she takes this home Talia and Maya are going to love it! It's easy - girls always like pretty things! I know mine do.

Can't wait to hear of the impending Hackney arrival Carlyn!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 86 - Part 1

Today with the help of Sue and Felicity, I started to put together a present on behalf of the staff at work for Carlyn who is about to leave us to have her 3rd beautiful child. I wanted to give her a practical but pretty present and decided to try to make a nappy cake. We started off creating a pinwheel held together with a bunny rug nice and tightly to hold it's cake shape. We ended up with 3 layers and a few other bits to put around it. I have a few other things to put on the cake tomorrow. So far I am pretty proud of us for constructing this with no instructions - just a picture and imagination. I can't wait to see the finished product!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 85 - We love Ella

Today was the last day at the coast with the Duve family and all Olivia and Ava wanted to do was to play with Ella. They are just in love with all the Duve girls lately, but Ella being the oldest, has a commanding power of them. They just want to hold Ella's hand, play with Ella, hug Ella, Ella, Ella ... Ella!

Thank you Teresa, Ian, Ella, Kaleigh and Brydie for a wonderful weekend. We have certainly got some young friends for life I think.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 84 - A day at the beach

Today we went to the beach with Teresa and her girls while Shane and Ian went scuba diving. Ava didn't quite cope with Shane swimming out without her and cried for 15 or so minutes just waiting for her dad. She soon was distracted by some morning tea and a play with her best friends Ella, Kaleigh and Brydie. The girls frolicked in the water, made sand angels, built sand castles and had a wonderful time together. Here they are waiting for their dads to come back to land. What a great way to spend the day.

After the beach and some lunch, we went back to the Coach House Marina where we were staying and watched the march of the hermit crabs across the lagoon which was really amazing to watch.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 83 - Meet Cooper

Today I finally got to meet baby Cooper. I have been meaning to catch up with Sarah and this gorgeous little man for weeks and have just been far too busy. So on a day where Shane was at home, before we went down the coast for the weekend, I took advantage of a few child free hours to meet Cooper and catch up with Sarah. It was great. I am hoping to spend some more time with them in the holidays. Time is much less rushed in school holidays.
He is just too cute Sarah and Brad, I look forward to some cuddles soon!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 82 - Potato People!

Today while drawing together, Ava drew her first 'Potato people' you know the people that look like potatoes with legs and a little bit of hair if you are lucky! When I asked her who she drew she pointed out that she drew Olivia and Ava. It is very cute and a little exciting. I love watching their drawing development. My plans are to put all their artwork together like a little portfolio of their drawings to see their development over time.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 81 - Sand Shoes

Everyday when the girls come home from daycare we end up with little piles of sand from their shoes. If I collected it all I am sure that we could refill our empty sandpit! I know the girls love sand but really I would like them to leave the sand in the sandpit at school as I don't know how well the garden is going to grow with all this extra sand they bring home.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 80 - Daddy Time

No words can explain the relationship a dad has with his daughters. As soon as Shane comes home from work there are squeals of delight from them. They sit on his lap and watch whatever uninteresting television he chooses to watch, read books or even brush his hair. I love that no matter what they are doing, they like to snuggle in for a little time with their Daddy each day.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 79 - Sheriff Ava

Dress Ups have always been a favourite past time of the girls. They usually get out every single dress up and often wear multiple dress ups. Over the weekend their cousins spent a lot of time with them dressing them up in their bedroom. Today was no exception, when I was accosted by Sheriff Ava when I arrived home telling me to put them up. All she needs is a cowgirl hat and her outfit is complete.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 78 - A lazy Sunday

Today was the perfect Sunday to relax at home and get out the art and craft activities for the girls. I have always thought of getting the paint out for the girls but have been too chicken to brave the paint mess by myself. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the painting afternoon and created a few masterpieces which I am sure will be worth millions one day.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 77 - Happy Birthday Monique!

Today we celebrated Monique's 30th birthday at our place with a family gathering. It was a lovely day which we all got to enjoy in our backyard with a barbecue. We played with Leila and watched her sleep, sorry Monique, but I think that was both Olivia and Ava's favourite part!
Happy birthday Monique, we hope you enjoyed your special day.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 76 - Aunty Jenny

We are very lucky to have Jenny as the girls Aunty as well as their Daycare room leader. It makes life just that little bit easier. So when we had to attend a family funeral today, it was made a little easier knowing that Jenny was going to be there with me to look after these girls and our dad. It amazes me how kids just instinctively know when they are at a serious event and adjust their behaviour accordingly.

On a side note - what an oops to discover my finger in the top left hand corner of my image! Oops! It is hard to take a photo while walking!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 75 - New skirts please

We have a few new fabrics in our collection for which Olivia and Ava would like me to make them some new skirts so they can spin around and around in. At least that is what they tell me. We picked these 2 fabrics at Spotlight not long ago and I couldn't have 2 vastly different patterns. Fun and bright purple polka dots and this pretty and girlie flowers. These will be added on to my holiday to do list. It appears I am going to be very busy these school holidays.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 74 - Lips are not made for biting

Today I received my first phone call for an injury which happened at daycare. Ava, while telling other children it was her go on the ladder got distracted, hit her head and put her tooth through her lip. Poor poppet had blood everywhere and a nice puffy lip. She even plays the drama queen act so well hours later when I ask what happened at school today.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 73 - A dinner meeting

Tonight in celebration of Multiple Birth Awareness Week the CARMBA general meeting was held at the Mawson Club for a group dinner. I enjoyed a delicious Peeking Duck risotto. It was nice to get out for dinner as a group. The bistro was a little bit loud so I missed out on hearing some of the discussion at the meeting, lucky Trish does good minutes!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 72 - Hoot Cute!

I love bedding nearly as much as I love handbags! I found this really cute owl bedding set in Target earlier in the year for half price, so I put in on lay-by, knowing that I wouldn't really need it until the Winter. We picked it up today and the girls were very excited to see all these hoots on their new sheets. Now to wash them ready to put on the bed and find somewhere to store them!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day 71 - Happy Birthday Madison

Today we celebrated Madison's 5th birthday. We gathered at Jenny's place for finger food, a sausage sizzle dinner and some delicious cake! It was my first ever Dolly Varden cake and I think I did a pretty good job! As soon as the girls saw it, their eyes lit up - I guess I will be making 2 of these in May! It seems we all had a wonderful time - we were all exhausted by the time we came home.

Happy birthday Madison!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 70 - Cooking is so much fun Mum

Today we made Madison's birthday cake ready for her party tomorrow. The girls like to help cook, it is so much fun. Not only do they get to help with the mixing, they get to clean the bowl as well! As you can see by the fingerprints in the bowl, they thoroughly enjoyed this vanilla cake mix. I hope they like the cake just as much as the mixture.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Day 69 - Poser

Ava is such a poser whenever a camera is to be seen. Lately I seem to be taking most of my photos on my phone, whenever she sees that she begins to pose (even when I am talking on it - strange to talk on a phone nowadays I know!) Sometimes she even gets one of her blocks and holds it up to her eye and demands you to say cheese. Maybe a budding photographer on our hands - or maybe a show pony. Whichever way - how can one not love this face?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 68 - Priceless Friends

There are some people in my life who are priceless. I have a very small and amazing group of friends who I don't know what I would do without lately. Thank you in particular to Mel who sent me flowers today after hearing about all the things which have been happening lately. The beautiful bunch brightened up my day today.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Day 67 - Beautiful People

So today's photo is a little cheat.

But after the day we have had I couldn't have taken a better photo to capture today. This photo was taken of my beautiful cousins at the Olivia and Ava's birthday last year. It has been quite a day to remember how important family is.

Julie, Jodi and Jen: it's been a day we'll never forget, but a day that makes us stronger. Much love to you all.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 66 - Stormy Weather

As I got to the gym tonight, this grey storm cloud hovered over. With lots of running involved, I would be lying if I didn't say I was hoping it would have rained a little earlier so I didn't have to run outside, alas, the weather held off for lots of corner to corner running. Of course as soon as we left, it poured, very heavily. It was quite nice to be cooled off by the rain after a very hard boxing session.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 65 - Extra hands

Tonight we had an extra pair of hands at our house. An extra pair of hands that the girls were happy to listen to stories from, be dressed by, have their hair braided and sit next to at dinner. Carlyn you are a very lucky lady - or should I say, I am a very lucky lady who got to cook dinner, bake biscuits and not have 2 beautiful children harassing me for attention while slaving over the hot stove/oven.

Thank you Carlyn for all of the above and saving me a little piece of sanity. Looking forward to our dinner this week coming as well and you teaching me how to braid. If only you could be here every night!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 64 - A long time between drinks

Today, I finally got to have a sit down catch up with Mel without out three terrors running around us. It was great, I think it had been a couple of weeks since I had seen or even spoken to her with being crazy busy with work and other commitments. I know a couple of weeks doesn't seem that long, but from the daily contact we used to have weeks feels like months!

We headed across to Max Brenner's in Belconnen for a chocolate hit followed by some retail therapy. We enjoyed some banana chocolate crepes at Brenner's and it was delicious. I even found some new clothes.

Thank you Mel for being that wonderful kind of friend that it doesn't matter how often we catch up, it always feels like yesterday.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 63 - Bredbo bound

We travelled to Bredbo today for a big day for Michelle, Xavier and their family. Josephine and Bella-Terese were being christened. It was a wet drive out there and I was grateful for the gathering to be in one location so we were not going to get too wet. Unfortunately the toilets were outside and what was such a novelty to the girls, was more of a chore for me, having to walk them out to the toilet a little too frequently for my liking. As you can see it was a big day for both Bella-Terese and Josephine, who both promptly fell asleep after al the commotion of the Christening.

We eventually left earlier than planned - we were going to stay and have a party for Xavier's birthday, but with two very tired and cranky girls, the time had come to get them in the car for a nap - even if I really didn't want them to at 4:30pm, it was a better option than the tired tantrums that had begun.

Thank you to Michelle and Xavier for a lovely, albeit wet, afternoon in Bredbo.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 62 - Delicious

Tonight I headed to Tosolini's in the city for a bit of a girls night out. I haven't been here before. As we walked in the door I couldn't help but eye off the dessert as I walked past, it all looked delicious. I settled upon a duck and chorizo pasta which was absolutely melt in your mouth divine! Dessert saw a chocolate and almond pudding satisfy my need for chocolate to end my evening on a high note.

Thank you ladies for letting me unload my problems, a great vent and most importantly a much needed laugh. I am looking forward to the next one already.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 61 - Cabin Fever

With all the rain and water building up, Queanbeyan River was flooding again. Due this very wet week, the girls had begun to get some major cabin fever. So while the rain was a little lighter we took the opportunity to go for a walk down to look at the rapidly flowing river. I can see that we are going to have to do as much as we can to ease some of that cabin fever over the weekend if this deluge continues.